Thursday, February 12, 2009

on the road

Four days after our intended leave date... with full bellies from the wonderful home cooking of my parents, and alot of patience and love on their part... we are now -finally on the road. and sitting right now in the lovely living room of my oldest and closest childhood friend margaret. After being introduced to the world of roof racks and cross bars...and the complications that seem to coexist with them... we have now succesfully traveled to both Washinton D.C and Carrboro, NC. We were welcomed to a lovely dinner in D.C by Chris's sister Caitlin, and her roomates Dan, Ray, and (temporarily) Neville. Yesterday we were welcomed here in Carborough by Margaret cooking us a lovely dinner of delicious Pizza with goat cheese and pecans... and local North Carolina beer! Today Margie took off from work... and she, Chris and I walked to Chapel Hill, ate some delicious french fries and went to a local dairy farm for fresh ice cream :) Soon dinner preparations shall start.

I am already missing you all. The adventure feels like it has finally started and the 70degree spring weather here in NC, has been a lovely glimmer to spring. Tomorrow we move on to ashville.. with hopefully more pictures to come...

[.. after spending half an hour trying to get pics uploaded... it seems it is not working. so for now the post shall have to do... and i shall see what i can due about photograph sharing in the morrow :) ]


  1. Yay you made it safely to NC!!!! Oh Annabel we miss you too but can't wait to read your blog daily. Some of our lives just aren't as interesting as yours so we can see the country thru you:) Stay save and enjoy!!

    XoX Aunt Mar

  2. Glad you both made it safely to Margaret's -- gone are the days when you two use to have your little club house under the stairs in the basement (remember?? I think that is where Noah's litter box is now heheh). And now you are traveling the country!!!! Take lots of pics and get them loaded on the blog:) Miss ya
