Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oklahoma to Tejas

literally driving into a sunsetElk City, Oklahoma. Their personal oil derrick
historical route 66 the beginning to the couple of following pictures. Chris and I both felt so overwhelmed by the sudden contrast of the Oklahoma/Texas landscape to that of 'the East'. that we pulled over on route 40 to take some pics. (those that follow)..... It is truly 'un-capturable' on film.... atleast with both of our minimal photographic talent. The crevices and slopes of the land were unlike anything i have ever witnessed. Although i am glad we solely passed through oklahoma... the lanscape was anything but boring. I was just informed by Chris that most of these were actually taken in Texas.. but it was literally right across the border line... soooo you get the point.

Proclaimed on the oklahoma sign:"The biggest cross in the Western World".
I must say... i do not dis- believe it. It was made out of pure sheet metal. I thought it was worth the picture. And the sun decided to contribute with the dramatizing effect... so i thanked it.
The night roads from oklahoma to Amarillo, Texas

Amarillo to Santa Rosa. This one was actually taken of the clock radio as Chris was driving. I felt like it visually encompassed that evening perfectly.



  1. So that cross...there is a this american life that talks about it...and tells the story of the man who made it...I will see if I can find guys should listen to it...

  2. Hello you lovely people- this is maggie. I am a retard and can't figure out how to get my own profile on these damn blogs :) My heart is full and happy for you both... enjoy the southwest... april will arrive before you know it... and anna- I expect some socks... love love love

  3. It's nice to see the update! It looks so WARM there. I'm a bit envious.

  4. YOU SPELLED TEXAS WRONG YOU DUMMY! heheheh. everything looks AMAZING!!! im really jealous...your pictures are awesome and it seems like so much fun. when you finally get to coming. tell chris to order the bunk beds ;)

  5. you spelled texas wrong you dummy! everything looks so amazing and i am so incredibly jealous!! your pictures look awesome, keep up the good work =) =) =) also..when you get to asap. tell chris to order the bunk beds ;)

    love, your favorite cousin xoxo
